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The MiG-29 is a 4th generation jet fighter aircraft designed for the air superiority role in the Soviet Union. Developed in the 1970s by the Mikoyan design bureau, it entered service in 1983. NATO's reporting name for the MiG-29 "Fulcrum", was also unofficially used by Soviet pilots in service. It was developed to counter new American fighters such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon, and the F/A-18 Hornet.
The history of the MiG-29, like that of the larger Sukhoi Su-27, started in 1969 when the Soviet Union learned of the U.S. Air Force's 'F-X' program, which resulted in the F-15 Eagle. The Soviet leadership soon realized that the new American fighter would represent a serious technological advantage over all existing Soviet fighters. The MiG-21 was agile by the standards of its day, but had deficiencies in range, armament, and growth potential. The MiG-23, developed to match the F-4 Phantom II, was fast and had more space for fuel and equipment, but lacked in maneuverability and dogfighting ability. What was needed was a better-balanced fighter with both good agility and sophisticated systems. In response, the Soviet General Staff issued a requirement for a Perspektivnyy Frontovoy Istrebitel (PFI, roughly "Advanced Frontline Fighter", literally "Perspective Frontline Fighter"). Specifications were extremely ambitious, calling for long range, good short-field performance (including the ability to use austere runways), excellent agility, Mach 2+ speed, and heavy armament. The aerodynamic design for the new aircraft was largely carried out by TsAGI in collaboration with the Sukhoi design bureau.
However, in 1971 the Soviets determined the PFI aircraft would be too expensive to procure in the quantities needed, and divided the requirement into the TPFI (Tyazhyolyy Perspektivnyy Frontovoy Istrebitel, "Heavy Advanced Tactical Fighter") and the LPFI (Lyogkiy Perspektivnyy Frontovoy Istrebitel, "Lightweight Advanced Tactical Fighter") programs, the latter paralleling the contemporary USAF decision that led to the "Lightweight Fighter" program and the F-16 Fighting Falcon and YF-17 Cobra. The heavy fighter remained with Sukhoi, resulting in the Sukhoi Su-27, while the lightweight fighter went to Mikoyan. Detailed design work on the resultant Product 9, designated MiG-29A, began in 1974, with the first flight taking place on October 6, 1977. The pre-production aircraft was first spotted by United States reconnaissance satellites in November of that year; it was dubbed Ram-L because it was observed at the Zhukovsky flight test center near the town of Ramenskoye. Early Western speculations suggested that the Ram-L was very similar in appearance to the YF-17 Cobra and powered by afterburning Tumansky R-25 turbojets.
Despite program delays caused by the loss of two prototypes in engine-related accidents, the MiG-29B production version entered service in August 1983 at the Kubinka air base. State acceptance trials were completed in 1984, and deliveries began the same year to the Soviet Frontal Aviation.
The workload split between TPFI and PFI became more apparent as the MiG-29 filtered into front-line service with the VVS in the mid-1980s. While the heavy, long range Su-27 was tasked with the more exotic and dangerous role of deep air-to-air sweeps of NATO high-value assets, the smaller MiG-29 directly replaced the MiG-23 in the frontal aviation role. The MiG-29 was positioned relatively close to the front lines, tasked with providing local air superiority to advancing Soviet motorized army units. Rugged landing gear and protective intake grates meant the MiG-29 could operate from the damaged or under-prepared airstrips Soviet war planners expected to encounter during a rapid armored advance. The MiG-29 was also tasked with escort duties for local strike and interdiction air packages, protecting vulnerable ground attack aircraft from NATO fighters such as the F-15 and F-16. Frontal aviation MiG-29s would ensure Soviet ground forces could operate under a safe air umbrella, moving forward with the troops as they advanced.
In the West, the new fighter was given the NATO reporting name "Fulcrum-A" because the pre-production MiG-29A, which should have logically received this designation, remained unknown in the West at that time. The MiG-29B was widely exported in downgraded versions known as MiG-29B 9-12A and MiG-29B 9-12B (for Warsaw Pact and non-Warsaw Pact nations, respectively), with less capable avionics and no capability for delivering nuclear weapons. Total production was about 840 aircraft.
Refined versions of the MiG-29 with improved avionics were fielded by the Soviet Union, but Mikoyan's multi-role variants, including a carrier-based version designated MiG-29K, were never produced in large numbers. In the post-Soviet era, MiG-29 development was frustrated by the Mikoyan bureau's apparent lack of political clout compared to rival Sukhoi. Some more advanced versions are still being pursued for export, and updates of existing Russian aircraft are likely. New versions of the plane called MiG-29SMT and MiG-29M1/M2 are being developed. Furthermore, development of a carrier version, the MiG-29K, has been resumed for the Indian Navy's INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier (formerly the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov). This version was originally meant for Soviet service onboard the Admiral Kuznetsov, but the bigger Sukhoi Su-33 was preferred instead.
The Soviet Union did not assign official "popular names" to its aircraft, although unofficial nicknames were common. Unusually, some Soviet pilots found the MiG-29s NATO reporting name, Fulcrum, to be a flattering description of the aircraft's intended purpose, and it is sometimes unofficially used in Russian service.
The MiG-29 was first publicly seen in the West during a visit to Finland in July 1986. Two were displayed at the Farnborough Airshow in Britain in September 1988. The following year, the aircraft conducted flying displays at the 1989 Paris Air Show where it was involved in a non-fatal crash during the first weekend of the show. The Paris Air Show display was only the second display of Soviet fighters at an international air show since the 1930s. Western observers were impressed by its apparent capability and exceptional agility.
MiG-29s saw combat in the Gulf War at the hands of Iraqi pilots. According to the USAF, five MiG-29s were shot down. Inadequate pilot training skills, air-defense infrastructure, and poor maintenance, rather than the quality of the aircraft, may have been responsible for this lack of success. Eight MiG-29 pilots fled to Iran where they now serve in the Iranian Air Force.
A Cuban MiG-29UB shot down two civilian Cessna 337s belonging to the organization Brothers to the Rescue in 1996, after the planes approached Cuban airspace.
In Syrian service, MiG-29s have provided round-the-clock air defense and patrol over Syria and Lebanon. Syrian pilots have praised the aircraft's agility and weapon systems.
On September 14 2001 two Syrian MIG-29's were shot down by Israeli aircraft over the Mediterranean. Both Syrian pilots Maj. Arshad Midhat Mubarak and Capt. Ahmad al-Khatab ejected and were safely recovered by Syrian ships.
The IAF Operates MiG29 which were purchased from USSR, and have locally upgraded avionics. Indian MiG-29s saw action during the Kargil War in Kashmir. They provided fighter escort for Mirage 2000s dropping laser-guided bombs on enemy targets and played a major role in maintaining the air superiority. The Indian MiG-29s are known as Baaz (Hindi, "Eagle"). The Indian Air Force has modified and successfully tested their MiG-29s to fire the advanced R-77 Adder BVR missile. It is believed all Indian MiG-29s are upgraded to use the Adder as standard armament. They are also being worked upon to be compatible with the Indian Astra BVR|BVR)) missile now being developed. It is reported Indian MiG-29s even before the Kargil conflict were equipped with self-defense equipment like chaff, flares, and ECM-ECCM pods. The Indian Air Force currently employs the fourth-largest fleet of MiG-29s. Also during the Kargil war a pair of MiG-29s from 47 (Black Archers) Squadron claimed to have shot down two marauding PAF F-16s (unconfirmed and disputed) over the Dras sector where they were performing CAPs covering the Mirage -2000s that were bombing Pakistani Army positions.
The SFR Yugoslav Air Force purchased a total of 14 MiG-29s and two MiG-29UBs from the USSR, in 1987. MiG-29s were taken into service with the 127. Lovacka Avijacijska Eskadrila (127. LAE, Fighter Aviation Squadron), known as Vitezovi (Knights), part of the 204. Lovacki Avijacijski Puk (204. LAP, Fighter Aviation Regiment) based at Batajnica Air Base, west of Belgrade, in what is today the Republic of Serbia. The aircraft was designated L-18 (Lovac, fighter), or NL-18 ('Nastavni Lovac, trainer fighter) for the "UB" version.
The MiGs continued their service in the subsequent FRY Air Force and finally in Serbian Air Force. During the long arms embargo placed upon the country, the condition of the MiGs worsened. When operation Allied Force started, Yugoslav MiGs were 15 years old and deprived of spare parts. The first two destroyed MiG-29 were No.18112 (Maj. Iljo Azrinov, downed near Priština) and No.18111 (Maj. Nebojša Nikolić, near Titel), on April 24. They flew out of Slatina Air Base. MiG-29 No.18106 flown by Maj. Predrag Milutinović was downed near Kruševac on same day. On April 26 MiGs 29 No.18114 flown by Maj. Slobodan Perić and No.18113 flown by Capt. 1st Class Zoran Radoslavljević took-off from Batajnica Air Base to intercept a high-flying NATO aircraft - two F-15C on CAP role near Bosnia. Perić was shot down near Bijeljina, and he ejected safely, but Radoslavljević, shot down near Valjevo was killed. The MiG-29 No.18109 flown by Maj. Slobodan Tešanović crashed near Užice-Ponikve Airport in a noncombat flight on May 4. Other aircraft (No.18103, 18104, 18107, 18302) were destroyed by NATO during the strikes on the ground.
The unit continued flying its remaining five MiG-29s (at a very low rate) after the war as well, even if it had to replace the losses by MiG-21s evacuated from Pristina after the war.
The German Democratic Republic bought 24 MiG-29s (20 MiG-29As, 4 MiG-29UBs), which entered service in 1988-1989. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and reunification of Germany in October 1990, the MiG-29s and other planes of the Luftstreitkräfte der NVA were integrated into the Luftwaffe. After upgrades by DaimlerChrysler Aerospace (now EADS) for NATO compatibility, they were designated MiG-29G and MiG-29GT. In March 1991, one of the MiG-29s in German service was transferred to the USAF for evaluation, along with several Su-22s and MiG-23s.
The Federation of American Scientists claims the MiG-29 is superior to the F-15 and other US fighters in short aerial engagements because of the Helmet Mounted Weapons Sight (HMS) and better maneuverability. This has been proven when MiG-29s of the German Luftwaffe participated in joint DACT exercises with US fighters. German pilots constantly won close-in dogfights. The HMS was a great part of the success, allowing the Germans to achieve a lock on any target the pilot could see within the missile field of view, including those almost 45 degrees off boresight. In contrast, the U.S. aircraft were only able to lock onto targets in a narrow window directly in front of the aircraft's nose. It was not until late 2003 that the USAF and US Navy achieved Initial Operational Capability of the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System.
Since 1993 the German MiGs were stationed with 1./JG73 "Steinhoff" in Laage near Rostock. During the service in the Luftwaffe one MiG-29 ("29+09") was destroyed during an accident on 25 June 1996 due to pilot error. By 2003, Luftwaffe pilots had flown over 30,000 hours in the MiG-29. In September 2003, 22 of the 23 remaining machines were sold to the Polish Air Force for the symbolic price of €1 per plane.
The 23rd MiG-29 ("29+03") remained on display in Laage before being moved to the Luftwaffenmuseum der Bundeswehr in Berlin's Gatow Airport in 2006.
After the retirement of their MiG-21s and -23s in 2003, Poland was left for a time with only 22 MiG-29s from 1st TFS in the interceptor role. The arrival of the 22 ex-Luftwaffe MiG-29s (operational from 2005 in 41st TFS, replacing MiG-21s) brought the number of Polish fighters of this type to a total of 44 (8 of them are trainer versions).
In 1997, the United States purchased 21 Moldovan aircraft for evaluation and analysis, under the Cooperative Threat Reduction accord. Fourteen were MiG-29Ss, which is equipped with an active radar jammer in its spine and is capable of being armed with nuclear weapons. Part of the United States' motive to purchase these aircraft was to prevent them from being sold to "rogue states", especially Iran. In late 1997, the MiGs were delivered to the National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. One former Moldovan MiG-29S is currently on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson, and one MiG-29UB is on display at the NAIC headquarters of the base. Many of the former Moldovan MiG-29s are believed to have been scrapped. One MiG-29 is on display at Nellis AFB, Nevada, in Soviet colors, while another of the former Moldavian aircraft is located on the base in its original camouflage. At NAS Fallon, one MiG-29 is on display. Another is on display at MacDill AFB, minus its canopy, while a third is at Goodfellow AFB, Texas.
Because it was developed from the same basic parameters laid out by TsAGI for the original PFI, the MiG-29 is aerodynamically broadly similar to the Sukhoi Su-27, but with some notable differences. It is built largely out of aluminium with some composite materials. It has a mid-mounted swept wing with blended leading-edge root extensions (LERXs) swept at around 40°. There are swept tailplanes and two vertical fins, mounted on booms outboard of the engines. Automatic slats are mounted on the leading edges of the wings; they are four-segment on early models and five-segment on some later variants. On the trailing edge, there are maneuvering flaps and wingtip ailerons.
The MiG-29 has hydraulic controls and a SAU-451 three-axis autopilot but, unlike the Su-27, no fly-by-wire control system. Nonetheless, it is very agile, with excellent instantaneous and sustained turn performance, high alpha capability, and a general resistance to spins. The airframe is stressed for 9-g maneuvers. The controls have "soft" limiters to prevent the pilot from exceeding the g and alpha limits, but these can be disabled manually. In joint USAF-Luftwaffe exercises, the MiG-29 that the Luftwaffe fielded defeated the F-16 in close combat almost every time using its highly practical IRST sensor and helmet-mounted sight, together with the Vympel R-73 (NATO : AA-11 'Archer') missile.
The MiG-29 has two widely spaced Klimov RD-33 turbofan engines, each rated at 50.0 kN (or 11,240 lbf) dry and 81.3 kN (or 18,277 lbf) in afterburner. The space between the engines generates lift, thereby reducing effective wing loading, to improve maneuverability. The engines are fed through wedge-type intakes fitted under the LERXs, which have variable ramps to allow high-Mach speeds. As an adaptation to rough-field operations, main air inlet can be closed completely and alter using the auxiliary air inlet on the upper fuselage for takeoff, landing, and low-altitude flying, preventing ingestion of ground debris (FOD, foreign object damage). Thereby the engines receive air through louvers on the LERXs which open automatically when intakes are closed. However the latest variant of the family, the MiG-35, eliminated these dorsal louvers, and adopted the mesh screens design in the main intakes, similar to those fitted to the Su-27.
The internal fuel capacity of the original MiG-29B is only 4,365 liters distributed between six fuel tanks, four in the fuselage and one in each wing. As a result, the aircraft has a very limited range, in line with the original Soviet requirements for a point-defense fighter. For longer flights, this can be supplemented by a 1,500 liter (330 Imp gal, 395 USgal) centerline drop tank and, on later production batches, two 1,150 liter ( 365 Imp gal, 300 USgal) underwing drop tanks. In addition, a small number have been fitted with port-side inflight refueling probes, allowing much longer flight times by using a probe-and-drogue system. Some MiG-29B airframes have been upgraded to the "Fatback" configuration (MiG-29 9-13), which adds a dorsal-mounted internal fuel tank. Advanced variants, such as the MiG-35, can be fitted with a conformal fuel tank on the dorsal spine, although none of them have yet entered service.
The pilot flies the aircraft with a conventional centre stick and left hand throttle. He is seated on a Zvezda K-36DM zero-zero ejection seat which has had impressive performance in emergency escapes.
The cockpit has conventional dials, with a head-up display (HUD) and a Shchel-3UM helmet-mounted sight, but no HOTAS ("hands-on-throttle-and-stick") capability. Emphasis seems to have been placed on making the cockpit similar to the earlier MiG-23 and other Soviet aircraft for ease of conversion, rather than on ergonomics. Nonetheless, the MiG-29 does have substantially better visibility than most previous Russian jet fighters, thanks to a high-mounted bubble canopy. Upgraded models introduce "glass cockpits" with modern liquid-crystal (LCD) multi-function displays (MFDs) and true HOTAS.
The baseline MiG-29B has a Phazotron RLPK-29 (Radiolokatsyonnui Pritselnui Kompleks) radar Fire control system (FCS) which includes the N019 (Sapfir 29; NATO : 'Slot Back') look-down/shoot-down coherent pulse-Doppler radar and Ts100.02-02 digital computer. The original N-019A, which was supposed to put the MiG-29 on par with its Western counterparts, was a disappointment to VVS. It had serious shortcomings in beyond-visual-range (BVR) engagements. Tracking range against a fighter-sized target was only about 70 km (or 38 nm) in the frontal aspect and 35 km (or 19 nm) in the rear aspect. Range against bomber-sized targets was roughly double. Ten targets could be displayed in search mode, but the radar had to lock onto a single target for semi-active homing (SARH). The signal processor also had trouble with ground clutter, and ranges in the look-down mode were consequently further reduced. It was also quite susceptible to jamming. These problems meant the MiG-29 was not able to reliably utilize the new Vympel R-27R (NATO : AA-10 'Alamo') long-range SARH missile at its maximum ranges.
These performance deficiencies stemmed largely from the fact the N-019 radar was not, in fact, a new design. Instead, the system was a further development of the architecture already used in Phazotron's Sapfir-23ML system, then in use on the MiG-23ML. During the initial MiG-29 design specification period in the mid-1970's, Phazotron NIIR was tasked with producing a modern radar for the MiG-29. To speed development, Phazotron based its new design on the work undertaken by NPO Istok on the experimental "Soyuz" radar program. Accordingly, the N-019 was originally intended to have a flat planar array antenna and full digital signal processing, giving a detection and tracking range of at least 100km against a fighter-sized target. Given the state of Soviet avionics technology at the time, it was an ambitious goal. Testing and prototypes soon revealed this could not be attained in the required timeframe, at least not in a radar that would fit in the MiG-29's nose. Rather than design a completely new, albeit more modest radar, Phazotron reverted to a version of the twist cassegrain antenna used successfully on the Sapfir-23ML to save time and cost. This system used the same analog signal processors as their earlier designs, coupled with a NII Argon-designed Ts100 digital computer. While this decision provided a working radar system for the new fighter, it inherited all of the weak points of the earlier design. This reliance on 1960s-era technology continues to plague the MiG-29 in terms of its ability to detect and track airborne targets at ranges available with the R-27 and R-77 missiles, although new designs like the digital N-010 Zhuk-M address the serious signal processing shortcomings inherent in the analog design. Still, most MiG-29 aircraft in service continue to use the analog N-019 or N-019M radar, although VVS has indicated its desire to upgrade all existing MiG-29s to a fully digital system.
The N-019 was further compromised by Phazotron designer Adolf Tolkachev's betrayal of the radar to the CIA, for which he was executed in 1986. In response to all of these problems, the Soviets hastily developed a modified N019M Topaz radar for the upgraded MiG-29S aircraft. However, VVS was reportedly still not satisfied with the performance of the system and demanded another upgrade. The latest upgraded aircraft offer the N-010 Zhuk-M), which has a planar array antenna rather than a dish, improving range, and a much superior processing ability, with multiple target engagement capability and compatibility with the Vympel R-77 (or RVV-AE) (NATO : AA-12 'Adder'). A useful feature the MiG-29 shares with the Su-27 is the S-31E2 KOLS, a combined laser rangefinder and IRST in an 'eyeball' mount forward of the cockpit canopy. This can be slaved to the radar or used independently, and provides exceptional gun-laying accuracy.
Armament for the MiG-29 includes a single GSh-30-1 30 mm cannon in the port wing root. This originally had a 150-round magazine, which was reduced to 100 rounds in later variants. Original production MiG-29B aircraft cannot fire the cannon when carrying a centerline fuel tank as it blocks the shell ejection port. This issue was corrected in the MiG-29S and later versions. Three pylons are provided under each wing (four in some variants), for a total of six (or eight). The inboard pylons can carry either a 1,150 liter (300 US gallon) fuel tank, one Vympel R-27 (AA-10 'Alamo') medium-range air-to-air missile, or unguided bombs or rockets. Some Soviet aircraft could carry a single nuclear bomb on the port inboard station. The outer pylons usually carry R-73 (AA-11 'Archer') dogfight missiles, although some users still retain the older R-60 (AA-8 'Aphid'). A single 1,500 liter (400 US gallon) tank can be fitted to the centerline, between the engines, for ferry flights, but this position is not used for combat stores. The original MiG-29B can carry general-purpose bombs and unguided rocket pods, but not precision-guided munitions. Upgraded models have provision for laser-guided and electro-optical bombs, as well as air-to-surface missiles.
The MiG-29S (Fulcrum-C) is virtually identical in external appearance to older "Fatback" MiG-29B airframes. Differences start with the improvements in the flight control system. Four new computers provide better stability augmentation and controllability with an increase of 2° in angle of attack (AoA). Its improved mechanical-hydraulic flight control system allows for greater control surface deflections. The MiG-29S added a dorsal 'hump' to the upper fuselage (earning it the nickname "Fatback" in service) which was originally believed to be for additional fuel, but in fact, most of its volume is used for the new L-203BE Gardenyia-1 ECM system. Internal fuel is only slightly increased by 75 liters, making the aircraft's fuel fraction about 0.27, thus comparable to that of the F-16. It can also carry 1,150 liter (304 US gallon, 2,000 lb) drop tanks under each wing and the traditional centerline tank. Inboard underwing hardpoints are upgraded to allow for a tandem pylon arrangement for a larger payload of 4,000 kg (or 8,820 lb). Overall maximum gross weight has been raised to 20,000 kg (or 44,000 lb).
In the MiG-29S, the GSh-30-1 cannon has had its expended round ejector port modified to allow for firing while the centerline tank is still attached. As with the MiG-29, there are six underwing hardpoints, but these can be expanded to eight. The MiG-29S improvement would also allow for new missiles like the R-27E (AA-10 'Alamo') which has 1.5 times the range of the basic model R-27 due to its larger rocket motor. These long-burn variants have previously been only found on the Su-27 Flanker. The new hardpoint configuration also adds the capability to mount the new R-77 (AA-12 'Adder') active-radar long-range air-to-air missile.
Initially, the avionics of the MiG-29S only added a new IRST sighting system combined with a better imbedded training system that allowed for IR and radar target simulation. However, the final MiG-29S improvement kit also provides for the Phazotron N-019M radar and more built-in test equipment (BITE) (especially for the radar) to reduce dependence on ground support equipment; MiG MAPO calls this model the MiG-29SD. Revised weapon system algorithms in the MiG-29S's software, combined with an increase in processing capacity, allows for the tracking of up to ten targets and the simultaneous engagement of two with the R-77 missile.
The MiG-29S also has a limited ground-attack capability with unguided munitions, but in order to transform the MiG-29 into a true multi-role fighter, MAPO designed the MiG-29SM variant with the improved avionics necessary to carry and employ precision-guided weapons. The 'SE/SD/SM' improvements in the MiG-29S, combined with the development money made available for the naval MiG-29K, gave MAPO the incentive to forge ahead with the multirole MiG-29M (a.k.a MiG-33) "Super Fulcrum".
Flight performance of the MiG-29S is but slightly reduced compared to the original MiG-29 due to the weight of the additional fuel and avionics. Only 48 MiG-29S airframes were produced for the Russian VVS before funding was cut. Of this number, it is unknown how many are the standard air-superiority 'S' version and how many are the multi-role 'SM' version.
Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cuba, Eritrea, East Germany, Hungary, India, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Burma Myanmar, North Korea, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
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