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What is the standard temperature at FL 60 ?
Remember :
T in Celsius. FL = Flight Level
Temperature decrease in standard atmosphere is - 2°C per 1 000 ft until 36 000 ft.
Above 36 000 ft, temperature is constant and egal to -56,5° C.
At FL 60, or 6 000 ft, temperature decrease will be 12 degrees. Standard temperature at ground level being 15 degrees, we have:
Standard temperature at FL 60 = + 3 degrees.
Sometimes, the slope angle is given in degrees (Departure charts), sometimes in percent (For instance, when computing the height / distance ratio of an obstacle situated in the T-O path).
Dist : in Nm.
R/C: Rate Of Climb in Ft / Min.
G/S: Ground Speed in Kts.
° : Slope in degrees.
Elevations are in Ft and distances in Nm.
An aircraft descends on a 9 % slope. What is its slope in
degrees ?
Slope 1% = 60 Ft/Nm
Slope 1 DEG @ 100 Ft/Nm
Rate (Ft/Nm) = Slope (DEG) x100
Remember :
tg g = slope in %
g= slope in degrees
tg g = Vz/Vs = H/D (Vz et Vs in the same units, as for H and D)
In the given exemple 9% >>> 5 DEGSlope (%) = Vz (ft/mn) / Vs (kt)
A plane flies at FL 240. At how many Nm will the pilot have to start descent to stay on a 3° glide path ?
FL = Difference in FL
W/C = Wind component (Kts)
TAS = True Airspeed (Kts)
— — — = = — — —
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